If you are a new patient to our office, the attached files contains our new patient bundle with forms that will need to be filled out when you arrive at our office. Printing them, filling them out and bringing them with you will allow us to attend to your dental needs more quickly than completing them on your arrival. Thank you and please call our office if you have any questions at all.
Adult Patient Form
Young Adult (Age 15-18) Patient Form
Child Patient Form
HIPAA Privacy Practices
HIPAA Acknowledgement Form
Email Authorization Form
This web site uses files in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (pdf) which require Adobe® Acrobat® Reader for viewing and printing. It is available to download free.
We at ProSites appreciate the opportunity to design your practice’s new website. In working with you, we have seen your genuine dedication to educating and serving patients while providing high-quality care. We salute your efforts in providing an extra level of communication, education and service that is so important to patients.
Dave Rutan CEO ProSites
Russell J. Tibbetts, DDS - Wilmington Dentist
3516 Silverside Rd Suite 17 Wilmington, DE 19810
(302) 479-5959
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